Understanding Karmic Cause

We all can understand a problem on the surface, but understanding the nature of a problem when it arises in life can help us to better solve the problem. A karmic cause is based on the law of cause and effect. Basically, if you’ve done or thought of something, you will either reap the benefits or pay a debt.

In most cases, it is something that has been done in this lifetime, but in some instances it may be an action from a previous life. Whichever lifetime, by removing the karmic cause in your mind, the psychic reason for your problem will withdraw the problem itself, resulting in a new growth of oneself.

When we remove the karmic cause, we must have a growth of consciousness. One way is to deal with a problem as soon as it arises. We must remain calm and believe that no matter what the problem, it can be dealt with spiritually. There may be physical actions that must take place, but for the most part it must be outgrown. After all, that’s what we’re all trying to do in our lives…grow.

Here are a few guidance guidelines to help with handling problems as they arise:

  • After your initial reaction, don’t overreact. Search for spiritual peace and power in your higher conscious to deal with a problem;
  • Don’t spend time blaming yourself or others. Instead, ask for higher guidance on what action to take to remove the problem;
  • Tell yourself that the power within you is greater than the problem;
  • Meditate more often to bring your consciousness above the psychic energy of the problem;
  • If other people are directly involved with your problem, bless them instead of cursing them or seeking revenge. This will set up positive thought energy currents to help remove the problem;
  • If the problem is for a lack of something, immediately tell yourself that what you appear to lack, it is already yours through the spiritual belief within you;
  • Ask for divine guidance as soon as you awaken in the morning and anytime of the day that you feel the need. Always give thanks for being guided;
  • When a problem arises, don’t think of it as something going wrong in your life, rather consider it a signal for a new growth;
  • Don’t take a negative or defeatist attitude. Even thought at that time it doesn’t feel as though you can cope with the problem, know that God is divinely guiding you to a solution.

Believe that the healing God-power in your mind will remove the karmic cause of any problem…and so it is!