The Law of Resistance

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This Universal Law was a tricky one for me to understand. I was grateful enough to read Kim Russo’s, “Your Soul Purpose,” to help me better understand the Universal Laws.

The definition of The Law of Resistance is the opposite of surrender. Such as, when you think you are resisting something, you’re staying away from it. When in all honesty, the opposite is true. Whatever you resist, will undoubtedly persist. Resistance is an energy that will pull in the very thing you wish to resist.

An example would be if someone were to tell you, “Don’t think about cute puppies.” What picture will come to mind? Cute puppies, naturally.

So to get a better handle on trying to stay away from things that I don’t want in my life, I really had to get a grasp of this law of the universe. We, as humans, are naturally resistant to change. We become comfortable in what we know, even if what we know can be dangerous. By fighting against natural forces, you end up engaging in those forces and giving them power with your thoughts, which will keep them alive and attract them into your energy field. We may say we don’t want something, but because we find comfort in the discomfort (familiarity), we end up engaging in the Law of Resistance to keep alive what we know so well, even if it isn’t good for us. An example would be staying in a lousy relationship, remaining an abuser ourselves, or having an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Because it’s comfortable, we remain in these roles because of a fear of change.

But if we surrender to those forces, they lose their power, and we become free of them.

We all have fears, whether it’s the fear of flying in an airplane or fear of a bee. Fear, as we know, keeps us from doing something. You’re afraid to change for the betterment of your life. We have to ask ourselves, how did we develop this fear? Did we take it on because our mother, father, or sibling had a fear of flying? Is this really our story? We tend to take on habits, beliefs, thoughts as children from our family members and carry them into our adult lives. If we don’t try to change this specific fear or idea, how can we ever discover what’s on the other side of that fear?

We must learn to accept change, such as getting older. Trying to deny, lie, cheat, or avoid that truth, lands us in a world of hurt! When we’ve hit rock bottom, as they say, is when we finally shout for help and eventually learn to live in the flow.

The great news is, you can change your role in a particular situation. You can let go of the fear or the need to “resist” and accept the natural laws of The Universe. If you look at the Law of Resistance and choose to surrender instead of resist, you’ll be able to shed those fictitious roles that have been set upon you throughout your life.

We’ve all heard those familiar terms that help us to surrender when faced with the Law of Resistance, such as, “Go with the flow,” “No fear.” We’ve all heard of these phrases from others when we’re trying to surrender, or make a change, or let go of that fear. Deep inside, we know that we need to go with the flow of energy rather than fight against it. We have to pull up those bootstraps, plow through the mud, and follow the path that leads us on our journey. Once you do, you’ll discover a whole new you, and a much easier way to live your life!

Learn the Law of Resistance, allow the Universe to guide you, and “go with the flow.”

And so it is…

Source: Russo, Kim (2019) Your Soul Purpose. New York, NY: Harper One


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