Gratitude is the Attitude

GratitudeGratitude…we all know what it means to be grateful. The key is being grateful when our lives are in the middle of chaos. If we’re dealing with health issues, or financial problems, or just having a rotten day, we tend to forget to remain grateful. After all, our eyes opened this morning. We’re alive! That may seem small, but it’s not. Waking up every morning is a gift.

Instead of having an “either” attitude, try to change your thoughts to having an “and” attitude. Meaning, you can be grateful “and” have a longing for something better. It’s okay to have a longing for more abundance in health, wealth, or love, “and” remain grateful at the same time. We tend only to be grateful when something good happens.

When you begin to change your thoughts and energy to be grateful every day, you’ll notice things start to shift. What you’re putting out into the Universe is what will come back to you. So when you wake up in the morning, be grateful for being alive, having a roof over your head, food on the table, and loved ones around you.

If there’s something you long for, it’s okay. Just don’t dwell on it negatively. Put out love and positive thoughts, and you’ll be surprised to see what comes back to you. Place a blessing on someone. It’ll increase your gratitude. It feels good to give to others, and it doesn’t need to be monetary. You can give a smile to a stranger. Help someone carry their groceries. Shovel someone’s driveway.

When you feel as though you’re lacking in a certain area such as, having someone to love, money, or loneliness, then go out and help someone in those areas. Send out loving thoughts to others. It’ll increase you receiving love back into your life. Give someone money (it doesn’t need to be a lot), and you’ll earn money in return. Volunteer somewhere and meet new people that can fill that lonely void. Once you’ve given in some capacity, it fills your soul with gratitude.

It may take a while to get onto this idea, but it’ll be worth it. One day at a time, and remember…Gratitude is the Attitude. And so it is…

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