The Best Time in Your Life…Is Now

This was the centering thought of my mediation today, and I believe it holds an amazing amount of truth. If you were to ask yourself, when was the perfect time of your life, it’s common for us to reflect back to certain moments (i.e marriage, childbirth, job promotion). However, those moments were the best times of our life…then, at that moment.

It’s natural to choose monumental events that have made us happy, but we need to be happy every day being in the present moment. The best time in your life is when you are folding laundry, washing dishes, doing your job at work, meditating, and having dinner with your family.

A good reminder of how precious our time is, is being in the moment and believing it’s the best time in your life in that moment. We are constantly thinking about the next thing, the next job, the next dinner, the next day, month, year and then we wonder why we ask ourselves, Where does the time go?

When you give your undivided attention to the moment you are in, it brings a sense of fulfillment. I love the adage from Deepak Chopra about the common phrase when we tell people to slow down, “Stop and smell the roses.” His view is, ‘wouldn’t it be better if we were the gardener in that bed of roses’? I think so.

So whatever it is that you’re doing right now, reading this post, make sure you’re giving it your all…be present and remember, the best time in your life…is now!

…and so it is!

How You See Yourself

How you see yourself everyday reflects the quality of your life, whether it is progressing or regressing. What you are thinking in your mind could make or break your life and its potential. You have an image of yourself in your mind. That image can impress your subconscious mind gearing it for success and happiness, or failure and frustration.

Your minds thoughts can project or radiate out to others, which will in turn attract back the likeness of those thoughts, known as the law of attraction. Those thought energies will either make your company more attractive to people who can advance your life, or your thoughts will repulse them and attract negative people who can hinder you.

Your self-image can be constructed by your thoughts as they stimulate corresponding emotions. The key is to see yourself in a better light, and then through this positive view, eliminate any thoughts of despair in every area of your life. You need to add positive energy to all levels of your mind.

To do this, you need to develop activity visualization, which can bring extra dimensions of positive thoughts to your mind and daily awareness. You’ll need to apply it every day in everything you do. Basically, we create what we see in our own minds.

Try the following visualization affirmations each day:

  • Every time I see a healthy person, I will SEE myself in my own mind as having the same kind of health;
  • Every time I see a prosperous person, I will SEE myself in my own mind as a prosperous person;
  • Every time I see a person who has/knows love in his/her life, I will SEE myself in my own mind as having love in my life;
  • Every day I will visualize myself as a person who thinks, acts, and feels as a person with a wonderful life;
  • Every time I see something that I’d like to own, I immediately SEE myself in my own mind as having the money to buy it, and then enjoying it;
  • Every day I will SEE myself as a healthy, prosperous, fulfilled and happy person;
  • Every day I will SEE myself as a person of radiant health, financial wealth, fulfillment, and happiness.

Finally, be sure to thank your divine creator for all the good in your life, now and always…and so it is!