Divine Mind Remedy

Divine mind remedy is for the purpose of eliminating negative thoughts from our minds. It’s not an easy thing to do, and it takes daily practice. I’ve posted before on how important it is to immediately cancel a negative thought that pops into your mind about yourself and/or others.

As time goes on you will begin to retrain your mind to think of the positive in every situation, and you will slowly begin to find yourself becoming more calm and relaxed in difficult scenarios.

It’s important not to react abruptly to a negative comment or argument. If you can, practice the no response reaction. I’ve tested it, and the results are quite amazing. Example…I was being confronted by someone who had a strong opinion on something they felt about me. The first thing you naturally want to do is defend yourself. But instead, I chose to let them “vent” and remained silent and listened. Out of nowhere, the unthinkable happened. They realized I wasn’t retaliating with hurtful words or negative comments and they gradually calmed down.

Once they had finished, I simply replied, “I’m sorry that you feel this way. I hear you and I apologize if I did or said anything that caused you pain.” Even though I knew deep down what they were saying wasn’t true, I chose the high road, as they say. It’s not easy, trust me, but it diffused the situation and an argument never ensued. I even gave this person a hug when they left.

Now, I was hurt by their words, and I needed to release my emotions in private, but the friendship remained in tact. I told myself, these are their issues, not mine. The key is to believe and love yourself. To have the positive mind and thoughts about yourself and not to let others drag you down with their emotional negative baggage.

How do you do that? By daily meditation and positive affirmations. Here are a few that you can try, especially in those toxic moments when you want to lash out at someone in defense. It’s just not worth it. Eventually, you’ll have a more peaceful existence.

  • By the power of my divine mind, I find the power to forgive…now – this is to release hate;
  • I am one with eternal peace within me – this is to release anger/hostility;
  • All of my needs have been met without taking from anyone – this is to release jealousy/envy;
  • I have an infinite source of supply, I am one, now and always with financial abundance – this is to release poverty-lack;
  • I am at peace with myself now and eternally – this is to release frustration;
  • The healing power of the divine mind within me has already forgiven myself for times I have erred – this is to release guilt;
  • All is perfect…all is well – this is to release worry-doubt.

You have the power within you to bring peace into your life and to give love out to the universe. Believe it is so…and so it is!

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